Fevers, coughing, runny noses, oh my!

It isn’t easy to stay healthy this time of year. Certain illnesses like the flu thrive in cold weather, passing more easily from one victim to the next. There are no perfect ways to fortify your home, but there are preventative actions you can take to keep your family safe.

#5: Install an Air Scrubber or REME Halo

While both systems use different processes to eliminate contaminants in the air, the result is the same: Good bye germs! A REME Halo produces plasma that actively attack airborne contaminants. Air Scrubbers add specially charged particles to the air that seek out contaminants like allergens and bacteria.

#4: Control Moisture in Your Home

Humidity levels that are too low often lead to susceptibility to illness, while humidity levels that are too high can cause issues like mold. Neither are ideal for a healthy environment. Rostron Premium Home Services recommends whole-house humidifiers in the wintertime for low humidity levels. All year round, bathroom exhaust fans and dehumidifiers can assist with high levels of humidity.

#3: Schedule a Duct Cleaning

Larger contaminants like dust, hair, and pet dander often allow smaller contaminants, like bacteria and viruses, to travel more effectively throughout your home. By completing a duct cleaning with Rostron Premium Home Services, you are both eliminating these large, enabling contaminants and killing illness-causing particles through our sanitation process.

#2: Improve the Quality of Your Drinking Water

Illness strikes when your body isn’t at its best. Water that travels to your home often has chemicals like chlorine and harmful amounts of naturally-occurring minerals. By installing a water filtration system, it can provide the best to keep your body running at peak performance. Chances are, it will make it taste better as well!

#1: Upgrade Your HVAC Filter

One-inch, four-inch, pleated, fiberglass – What does it all mean? There are many different types of filters out there, all with varying effectiveness at removing contaminants from the air. At the most basic level, one-inch fiberglass filters are able to remove the largest of contaminants. If you’re looking to upgrade, four-inch filter cabinets are a great place to start. These filters are able to catch the bacteria and viruses in the air. That’s right – the stuff that really matters!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry. Rostron Premium Home Services has your back. If you’d like information on any of these suggestions, you can always give our office a call and schedule an appointment with one of our professionally trained team members!